I got the chance to interview Josephene Perez. She is a freshman at Alhambra, and is a super nice person, and here is what she had to say!
Q: How is your freshman year of High school going?
A: For me high school is going pretty good! I’ve already made really great memories and also learned from experiences. I am trying to enjoy every moment , have fun, and continue to learn, because everything is going by really fast.
Q: Are you doing a sport this year? If so, what are you doing and how are you liking it?
A: I’m doing sideline cheer in the fall and now I am doing stunt! I loved sideline, it was so fun! Being with all my girls, cheering for the football team and watching the games with loved ones was really fun and I’m looking forward to next year! Stunt has also been fun and exciting. I continue to learn something new everyday and I am so appreciative of this that way I can get better.
Q: What is your favorite memory from this year?
A: I have multiple favorite memories from my freshman year so far like being on the cheer team, football season, homecoming, stunt and having good times with my friends!
Q: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?
A: My favorite thing to do during free time is to be with my family, cook or bake, and go on walks.