Of Glass Slippers, Golden Carriages, and Dancing Galore!

Alhambra’s Return to the Stage for Their Spring Musical since 2020

The Prince is giving a ball! After almost four years of no musicals performed on Alhambra’s stage, the drama department was excited to return to the Performing Arts Building to put together the spring musical, Rodgers and Hammerstein’s Cinderella. Running from April 19th to 22nd, the show featured around forty actors, a tech crew, and live orchestra, the first show in years to have such a big cast and crew. Directed by Gerry Wiener, Alhambra’s drama teacher, and helped by Mrs. Stafford, the technical director and Alhambra’s music teacher, many people came together to create this amazing musical. 

“It means a lot to me to have been able to be in Cinderella,” says Trin Kelley (12), who was casted as the titular character and has been doing theater for many years. “I’ve wanted to work with so many of the talented people at Alhambra for a long time, and I’m so glad that I finally got to. It was a lot of fun, even if stressful at times, and has been one of the most positive high school theater experiences I’ve had!”

Rehearsals for the show started on January 31st and ran all the way until opening night. After weeks of waltzing, running dozens of lines, and preparing sets and costumes, the cast and crew of Cinderella was ready to perform in front of a live audience. From acting to singing to dancing, audiences were amazed by the professionalism that these students possessed. Songs such as “The Prince is Giving a Ball,” “Impossible,” and “Waltz for a Ball” took audiences by storm, and both Friday and Saturday’s shows were sold out by Thursday morning (10 points to Mrs. Stafford who predicted it months in advance!).

During the Saturday matinee show, Seniors were called to the front of the stage at the end of the show and awarded sashes to honor their hard work, having just done their last performance on Alhambra’s stage. Later that evening, Co-Presidents Rianna Herrera (12, Fairy Godmother) and Maren Shahade (12, Stepmother) announced that next year’s officers of the Drama Club would be Elena Reeves (11, Portia) and Mick McDowell (11, Stage Manager).

The cast, crew, and orchestra pit were thankful for all the support they received during the spring musical, and they can’t wait to impress audiences again next year!